Q&A for the AI Ideation and AI Accelerator Program

Would you like to apply for our AI Ideation or AI Accelerator program, but still have a few unanswered questions? Here you will find answers to the questions we are most frequently asked by the AI.STARTUP.HUB. If anything is still unclear, please contact info@aistartuphub.com!

General questions about the hub & program

How long does the AI.STARTUP.HUB program last?

Our AI Ideation and AI Accelerator programs run for 6 months. We start twice a year with the Summer Batch in April and the Winter Batch in October.

How do I apply for the program?

You apply for both programs online. Here you fill out a form in the Accelerator App and introduce yourself, your team members and your AI idea/AI startup. We would like to receive both formal information and a short project overview (Ideation) or a letter of motivation (Accelerator) from you. Click here for the application.

What does the AI.STARTUP.HUB program look like?

The AI Ideation and AI Accelerator programs are both practice-oriented. We support you in terms of content depending on the phase you are in with your startup or idea. Accordingly, we offer you hands-on workshops on relevant topics, individual 1:1 coaching and mentoring throughout the entire program. You will also benefit from our AI.STARTUP.HUB community throughout northern Germany and regular events.

Where does the program take place?

The AI.STARTUP.HUB’s Ideation and Accelerator programs (workshops, coaching, etc.) take place in Hamburg.

Are there any online events during the program?

No, our workshops all take place on site. We emphasize hands-on and this is more achievable in person 🙂

Is it possible to complete the program part-time?

Yes, but we recommend full-time participation in the program. Especially in the Ideation Program, it makes sense to use the 6 months with full focus on your AI idea. Participants in the Accelerator program usually work full-time in the startup anyway.

Which program can I apply for if I am e.g. in a UG?

If you are a member of a GmbH, GbR, UG, etc., you can only apply for the AI Accelerator Program. Since you have already founded a company, participation in the AI Ideation program is not possible.

Questions about the Ideation Program

Who can apply for the Ideation Program?

Anyone who has an innovative idea in the field of Artificial Intelligence and wants to use it to build an AI startup. The idea must be strong and useful for society/economy. In addition, at least one person from the team based in Northern Germany must be able to attend workshops in Hamburg once a week.

How many members can my team have if I want to apply for the AI Ideation Program?

The AI.STARTUP.HUB can financially support a maximum of 3 members of your Ideation team. So if you are more than 3 people (which is potentially not a problem), you decide in the team who will receive the grant of up to €1,500 per person.

Will I receive financial support from the AI.STARTUP.HUB during the Ideation Program?

Yes, each team member (up to 3 people) receives up to 1,500 EUR per month. You can also make use of a material allowance of 10,500 EUR to realize your AI project.

Can I apply for the Accelerator Program after the Ideation Program?

Yes, your team can apply for the AI Accelerator Program after completing the AI Ideation Program. We also support you in applying for funding opportunities such as the EXIST-GrĂĽnderstipendium or InnoFounder.

What can the material allowance in the AI Ideation Program (€10,500) be spent on?

The material allowance of €10,500 is available to you in the Ideation Program for the development of the prototype. For example, you can use it to purchase hardware, software, cloud storage, tickets for useful AI/startup conferences, etc.

I’m still missing a second person for my Ideation team, can you help me?

Have a look at our partner Startup Port. Matchmaking events are organized here to help founders find co-founders.

Questions about the Accelerator Program

Who can apply for the Accelerator Program?

Startups with an AI-based product/service that is useful for our economy. In addition, at least 1 person from the team must be headquartered in Northern Germany to attend the on-site events once a week.

Can the AI.STARTUP.HUB in the Accelerator Program help me in my search for funding opportunities?

Yes, as part of our network we can connect you with funding opportunities.

Do I have to give up shares in my startup if I participate in the AI Accelerator Program?

No, we are a government-funded project (Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection), so you do not have to hand over any company shares to the AI.STARTUP.HUB. All we want is your commitment 🙂

Be part of the next batch and apply for the Ideation or Accelerator program!


Find out more about AI.STARTUP.HUB

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