Working student (m/f/d) for Community Management in the university environment

We are currently looking for a student assistant (m/f/d) for support in our office in Hamburg, in the field of community management in the university environment for the AI.Hamburg team and the AI.STARTUP.HUB


At AI.Hamburg, your primary responsibility will be networking professors, students, and universities, as well as helping to build our ecosystem. You will also be responsible for contacting relevant professors, student groups, working groups, and institutes at universities and colleges. Additionally, you will help us manage our social media channels and create posts aimed at university and student audiences. You will be responsible for building and moderating a Slack channel that focuses on artificial intelligence topics.


You have already begun your master’s degree with a focus on Artificial Intelligence/Data Science and have built a network of various professors, students, and universities, both inside and outside Hamburg. You are familiar with current trends in AI/Data Science/Machine Learning and have experience with social media and community management. You possess creativity, good language skills, and can communicate appropriately for your target audience. You have a strong team spirit, initiative, and a quick understanding. Your German and English language skills are excellent, and you can support the AI.Hamburg team for at least 6-12 months, working between 10-20 hours per week. Ideally, you live in Hamburg or the surrounding area.

Your benefits:

A challenging role in one of the most important technology sectors of the 21st century. You will have the opportunity to take ownership and work independently in a smart team. You will have access to a friendly, respectful, and inspiring team environment, a deep international network, and the flexibility to balance your studies with work. You’ll work from home and at our Hamburg office on the Binnenalster and receive 15 euros per hour.

Apply with your resume and a short cover letter at

Want to know more information about us? Visit us at AI.STARTUP.HUB, AI.Fund & Transatlantic AI eXchange.