Good vibes & pitches at the Bergfest Summer Batch 2024

Those who take part in the AI Ideation or AI Accelerator Program go on a mission with the AI.STARTUP.HUB for 6 months. The founders set their own goals. Whether it’s the discovery stage, growth stage or getting ready for the international market: We adapt to their needs and support them with workshops, mentoring, 1:1 coaching, networking opportunities and more.

One pitch chases the next

Halfway through the program, we want to know: How far have our teams come? At our internal “Bergfest” event, our Summer Batch 2024 startups showed us what they have learned. They presented their current status via 2-minute pitches. Our jury was thoroughly impressed. Content, slide preparation and presentation technique were evaluated. All teams showed a noticeable improvement, which was reflected in the feedback. The reason for this is the high motivation of our participants: The Hub is always very packed during our pitching workshops. We are proud!

These startups delivered

AI Ideation Teams:

DENKER: Ensures that you receive all task-related information exactly when you need it.

doca: Makes research a piece of cake for trademark and IP lawyers.

MieterBot: Ensures smooth communication and fast processes between tenants and housing companies.

Nera: Enables everyone to create websites and apps without programming knowledge.

UPAIB – Unleashing Possibilities AI-Based: Unlocks new opportunities for companies by making them more flexible, productive and future-proof.

VeRise: Makes a healthy, plant-based and tailor-made diet accessible to everyone.

XIVR: Helps organizations build successful teams through innovative and engaging diversity training solutions that combine VR and AI for immersive and interactive learning experiences.

qurix Technology GmbH: Your innovation management platform – provides all the necessary KPIs for VC clients and startups.

AI Accelerator Startups:

BotTalk: Converts any text into audio and helps media houses to create a completely new dimension.

Buildlinx: Decarbonization of buildings, reduction of energy costs and CO2 emissions through comprehensive connectivity and intelligence in buildings. Prepares foreign healthcare professionals for work in Germany through AI.

CHAINSTEP GmbH: The intelligent co-pilot for laboratory employees to work more efficiently and profitably.

Charit Insights: Revolutionizes qualitative data analysis and transforms text and audio into strategic insights.

ChatPDF: Revolutionizing the understanding of research worldwide.

CheckForPet: Provides you with the right and best-rated food for your pets in no time.

Heisenware: Enables SMEs to develop software applications independently, quickly and cost-effectively.

Mintcode Solutions: Ensures the smooth running of appointments in doctors’ surgeries.

NoscAi: Early access to high-quality diagnoses and therapies for all.

Pattern Recognition Company GmbH: Promoting the creativity of photographers by automating photo management and search.

Splitbot: SMEs have more time for productive work as they are relieved of administrative tasks. GmbH: Makes kitchen management profitable, sustainable and simple for all dimensions of the professional kitchen.

Zelvor: Your personal virtual assistant that automates the management of meetings and calendars from start to finish.

Mix & Mingle to round things off

After our pitching marathon, we networked over a drink or two. The hub was full of good conversations and our office neighbors said the next day: “Wow, you had a really good atmosphere again!” Yes, once again full house at the AI.STARTUP.HUB!

After this submission, we are looking forward to the pitches on Graduation Day in fall. However, the pitching spots at our big graduation event are limited. We will announce which startups have qualified for the pitches.

To all startups: Fantastic performance!

Do you have an AI idea that you want to turn into a business or have you already founded an AI startup that you want to take forward? Apply now for our next batch!


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