AI at sea or in the USA, we’re on board!

Recap 1st half of 2024

Pitching with swell, wowing investors in the USA and making contacts while coding: we look back on an exciting first half of 2024.

There’s always something going on at the AI.STARTUP.HUB. Not only do we regularly organize events such as AI Hangouts, the Bergfest or the Graduation Day for our alumni. As an active part of the AI community in Northern Germany, we are out and about with our startups at all events that promote innovation and networking in the startup and AI industry.

January: Entrepreneur Ship Tour

The Entrepreneur Ship took us from Hamburg to Helsinki and back again. Over 150 visionaries came together for keynote speeches, pitches and networking. Presentations during heavy swells made it a real-life adventure, and the ship’s own sauna was the perfect place to exchange ideas.

February: NCA Innovation Day Hamburg

Over 150 startups and 400 innovation leaders came together for matchmaking at the NCA Innovation Day. The whole day was filled with pitches on two stages. As a proud partner of the NCA, we hosted the “AI & Prediction” panel and cheered on 12 of our startups during their presentations.

March: EXIST Workshops Cologne

A total of 8 successful workshop sessions, exciting keynote speeches and an evening event to get to know each other personally strengthened the startup network between university representatives, consultants and industry experts from all over Germany. As fans of community building, we were of course there.

April: CHEFTREFF Hamburg

The CHEFTREFF brought together top CEOs, founders and entrepreneurs with students, young managers and startups. The result: a lively flow of information about career opportunities, technology trends and how to expand your own skill set. We took part with our own booth and together with our startups!

May: U.S. Investor Journey

We went on a big funding trip with our AI startup partner projects from Berlin, Darmstadt and Munich. 10 selected startups pitched to investors in New York and Silicon Valley. We are overwhelmed by this (yet) unique journey and proud of the performances of our teams. Read more about the U.S. trip here!

June: Meet&Match AI Edition

The AI.STARTUP.HUB was the proud co-host of the largest Meet&Match event powered by Startup Port so far. Founders with AI visions looking for co-founders were brought together with people with great skills, ideas and interests in the field of AI. The atmosphere was relaxed and energetic, like a great first date!

Juni: Startup Port Community Day

Once a year, the startup community of the Hamburg metropolitan region meets to strengthen and expand the network. Students interested in founding a company, young and experienced founders, entrepreneurship professors and supporters have the opportunity to get to know the players, make contacts and get new projects off the ground.

June: Founders Table

The Founders Table is a small, sophisticated event that promotes intensive exchange between founders. This still new format held its second edition at our space in the Hafencity. With success! The atmosphere was relaxed and early-stage founders were able to exchange ideas undisturbed.

June: Waterkant Festival Kiel

The participants of the Waterkant Festival created a true flood of innovation from the numerous meetups, keynote speeches and hands-on workshops. The topics ranged from tech and AI to the future of energy, open source and more. It was a great opportunity for us and our startups to meet exciting people with ideas and make contacts.

July: Coding.Waterkant Kiel

Whether AI professional or enthusiast, everyone came together at the Coding.Waterkant Kiel. People either brought their own machine learning project or worked on the projects of others! More brains, more power and more passion for AI generated fantastic ideas. Workshops and feedback from experts were like nutrients for the coding lovers.

Find out which events are coming up next under Events!


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